Emergency Hygiene
ADS has the mobile hygiene equipment needed to increase hygiene and sanitation capacity in many different institutions in response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Our employees and equipment are already hard at work deployed in cities across the United States to provide auxiliary hygiene services that enhance or create infrastructure to maintain sanitary living and working conditions at hospitals, prisons,
and military bases.

Supporting disaster relief
Active Deployment Systems (ADS) is doing what they can to support those on the front lines of COVID-19 response.
“With COVID-19, it’s as if a hurricane has hit all 50 states. Normally it’s just two or three,” Elliott said.
Despite the overwhelming pandemic, this is what his teams are trained for. His team’s focus now is getting to where they can be most helpful and providing the vital equipment needed to continue to aid those affected by COVID-19.

The aircraft helps move employees around, especially now, with travel restrictions as tight as they are. We’re able to go whenever we need. From a business aspect, as the owner of a company, I use it heavily for meetings. I can do three meetings in different cities in one day.
As a business owner, Elliott says he’s pleased with how his aircraft has allowed him to expand and take on new challenges. As a disaster responder, he says he’s happy that he can provide help faster and more effectively.

COVID 19 Relief
It is with great pleasure that our team here at ADS is apart of the COVID-19 solution. ADS team partnered with FEMA region 2 office to establish six (6) COVID -19 vaccine centers across the state of New York and Pennsylvania.
We feel very honored to be part of the 100 Million vaccinated goal program.
ADS has enjoyed a very successful long-term GSA contract providing multiple life support services for critical Government agencies such as FEMA, ICE, DHS, Army, Navy, Marines, Coastguard, Airforce and many more.

4-Bed Hospital Isolation Skid Features:
Two (2) rooms, each with: Capacity for 4 total beds.
2 per room separated by a privacy curtain Toilet and Sink w/ Privacy Curtain
Patient Observation Windows on doors and exterior LED lighting Door.
A – (1) 36″ door for airlock entryway for medical staff
Door B – (2) 28″ doors from airlock into patient rooms for medical staff
Door C – (2) oversized 42″ doors with panic hardware for room set up and loading in hospital beds – sealed while occupied HVAC System Airlock Entry Chamber with Negative Airflow System 700 CFM negative air unit w/ hospital grade HEPA filter,
two separate 2-ton wall mounted Bard A/C units with 10KW heat and remote thermostat
Roof-mounted A/C system for Airlock with 10KW heat and remote thermostat 125 Amp/220 V power requirement
Partnerships and customers

Always on the cutting edge with our reliable and efficient products